



By the end of Class 4, children will be able to write confidently across a range of genres whilst applying their creativity and grammatical knowledge. We will be introducing the new age appropriate grammar features and be learning to apply those to our writing. This half term, our writing will be focussed around writing in the style of an author.  We will study Kenneth Grahame’s classic, The Wind in the Willows’.   Following this, we will learn to read, perform and write play scripts.

Guided Reading

Children will work in their group to study a given text, this will support understanding of vocabulary and comprehension skills.  Children will complete a carousel of activities throughout the week, that will include post and pre reading tasks, a teacher led session, spelling and independent reading.


In class, children will be tested weekly on either Year 4 or Year 5 words.  Most weeks, the spellings will follow a spelling rule that has been taught but sometimes they will be taken from the statutory lists which do not.  Spellings will be included on the homework sheet and can be practised in the homework books.


We will be following the White Rose Maths Hub scheme of work.  Fractions, decimals and percentages will be taught this half term.

Children will continue to practise times tables during lessons and specific times tables will be given for homework.  A secure knowledge of times tables (up to 12 x 12) is required by the end of Year 4.  Year 4 children will take part in a statutory online times table test in the summer term.


Our topic this half term is forces.

Pupils will be taught to:

  • explain that unsupported objects fall towards the Earth because of the force of gravity acting between the Earth and the falling object.
  • identify the effects of air resistance, water resistance and friction, that act between moving surfaces.
  • recognise that some mechanisms including levers, pulleys and gears allow a smaller force to have a greater effect.



This term we will complete our rivers topic and study the rainforest, biomes and vegetation belts.

River geography – the pupils will learn to:

  • describe the ways rivers are used.
  • explain the impact of damming rivers.

Most of the learning will be delivered through a series of workshops and visits organised with the Aire River Trust and Environment Agency.

Rainforests, biomes and vegetation belts – the pupils will learn to:

  • On a world map, locate areas of similar environmental regions: temperate, rainforest, polar.
  • Locate main countries, cities, rivers, volcanoes, rainforest (physical characteristics) in Europe and South America.
  • Describe and understand key aspects of physical geography, including: climate zones, biomes and vegetation belts.


Art – pupils will study the work of a famous landscape artists, David Hockney.

D&T – pupils will link to their science knowledge and make a magnetic game.


We will also be using the programme Charanga to learn to sing ‘Lean On Me’ by Bill Withers for 3 weeks and then the class will rehearse for the Easter performance.


In PE, we will engage on outdoor adventurous activities, culminating in a residential at High Adventure.  The other PE unit will educate the pupils about how to keep their body healthy.


Our topic in RE is ‘What did Jesus do the save human beings?’

P.S.H.C. E.

Who likes chocolate? is our PSHCE topic. We will be looking at the concept of Fairtrade, linking to our rainforest work.


There will continue to be a strong e-safety message when we study exchanging and sharing information.  The pupils will learn to use email responsible and safely.

Other information

Our class will be supported by Mrs Harman on Monday mornings and Mrs Pink for the rest of the week.  Mr Pearson will teach one PE lesson and Mr Horton the other.

PE will be taught on Wednesday and Thursday afternoons. The majority of these sessions will be outdoors so please make sure that a fully named indoor and outdoor PE kit is in school all week.

Thank you for your support and please don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions.

Mr Horton