



By the end of Class 4, children will be able to write confidently across a range of genres whilst applying their creativity and grammatical knowledge. We will be introducing the new age appropriate grammar features and be learning to apply those to our writing. This half term, our writing will be focussed around initially dealing with the return to school and what this entails.  We will then start studying Beowulf and our topic about the Anglo-Saxons. This will enable us to cover a range of fiction and non-fiction genres.

Guided Reading

The children will work in small groups to read and discuss a given book, this will support their vocabulary and comprehension skills.  Children will complete a carousel of activities throughout the week, that will include post and pre reading tasks, a teacher led session, spelling, and independent reading.


In class, children will be tested weekly on either Year 4 or Year 5 words.  Most weeks, the spellings will follow a spelling rule that has been taught but sometimes they will be taken from the statutory lists which do not.  Spellings will be included as part of the weekly homework.


We will be following the White Rose Maths Hub scheme of work. Place value, including the four operations, will be covered this half term. We will also be learning how to apply our knowledge of arithmetic to measurement: length, perimeter, and area.

Children will continue to practise times tables during lessons and specific times tables will be given for homework.  A secure knowledge of times tables (up to 12 x 12) is required by the end of Year 4.  Year 4 children will take part in a statutory online times table test in the summer term.  Times tables, division facts and other numerical facts that need to be recalled will be given as homework.

Please ensure that your child is accessing Times Tables Rock Stars. Data from last year has been reset so that I can monitor progress and see who my times tables rock stars are!


Our topic this half term is Skeleton and Muscles. We will be learning about how bones and muscles work together to enable bodies to move.

Topic (History, Geography, Art and DT)

Our topic this term is the Anglo-Saxons.

History - pupils will study the Anglo-Saxons, their achievements and their influence on British history.  This will include ordering events and dates from the Anglo-Saxons period on a timeline and understanding how this fit into wider world chronology.

Geography - the children will investigate maps of the British Isles, noting how the country was once divided into a collection of smaller kingdoms.  Make a simple sketch map to show the ancient kingdoms including important geographical features such as rivers, seas and cities.

In D&T, the children will research the types of food eaten by the Anglo-Saxons.  They will then make authentic Anglo-Saxon bread and evaluate their attempts.

Art - pupils will draw and paint in styles favoured by Anglo-Saxons, e.g. Celtic knots, and religious symbols.


In PE, we will be taking part in a variety of invasion games.


Our topic in RE is ‘What does it mean to be a Muslim in Britain today?’ where we will be exploring the Islamic faith in the UK.


We will be exploring a number of topics this half term, including rules and laws, human rights and rights and responsibilities. We will also look at our mental well-being and re-building relationships after being away from school.


Children will be working on word processing and internet research skills. An on-going theme throughout the year is e-safety. Children will continue to use Google Classroom both in school and at home to access homework.