
Dear Parent/Carer,

Below is an outline of the work to be covered over the next half term (Spring 2 2020) in Class Five.





By the end of Year Six, children need to be able to write confidently across a range of genres whilst applying their creativity and grammatical knowledge. We will continue to work on our writing and editing skills. Writing will be linked to our topic and class book. We are starting to increase the amount of writing we do each half term now in order to have the opportunity to apply our extensive grammatical knowledge. Children have to showcase in each piece of writing their skills.

Guided Reading

We will be working on our class book, Cogheart by Peter Bunzl, to support our vocabulary and comprehension skills. We will also be completing a number of ‘stand alone’ comprehensions to practise responding to an unknown text.


In class, children will be frequently tested on the Year 5/6 exception words, which can be tricky as they don’t necessarily follow typical spelling rules. Children also need to be including these words in their writing.  These will also be stuck in the front of homework books for you to practise at home.

Children will have weekly spelling lessons and complete a range of activities to become confident in applying spelling patterns. Spellings lists will be sent home and then randomly tested in lessons in the following weeks. This is to ensure that children don’t just remember spelling for a weekly test.


We will be following the White Rose Maths Hub scheme of work. This half term, we will be covering algebra, converting measures, shape and ratio. As you can see, there are several topics to learn about in the next six weeks. A lot of these units build on skills that children have already learnt this year, or in previous years. We will be using our key arithmetic skills a lot this half term. Revising the four operations and multiplying and dividing by 10,100 and 1000 at home will be valuable.


Our topic this half term is Light. We will be investigating how we see things and how light travels.

Learning Expedition (History, Geography, Art, Music and DT)

Our topic this term is Earthquakes. We’ve got a lot of interesting information to learn from how earthquakes happen to the consequences of earthquakes. We will be investigating a case study about a significant earthquake. We will be exploring artwork related to tsunamis and create a piece of music based on the weather. In DT, we will be creating a wooden structure to withstand an earthquake that incorporates a pulley system.


In PE, we will be taking part in outdoor adventurous activities and also learning about keeping our bodies healthy. PE is on Monday and Friday. Please ensure that a PE kit is in school all week.


Our topic in RE is What difference does the resurrection make for Christians?’. We will be exploring the Easter story during this time.


We will be continuing our work on our relationships PSHE topic. We are going to be discussing conflict and resolution, bullying and sharing.


We have been becoming more confident with using Google Classroom to complete word processing, spreadsheet and research tasks this term. We will use both Google Classroom and the iPads to support our earthquakes topic.

Monday 16th March – Mosque Visit

Class Five will be visiting a mosque on Monday 16th March. This is a great opportunity to compare and contrast the Islamic faith with Christianity. We will also be using the visit as a stimulus for writing. On our return to school, children will plan, draft, edit and publish a recount about the visit. Please see Parent Pay for more information on this visit.

Thursday 26th March – Crucial Crew Visit

On Thursday 26th March, we will be taking part in the Crucial Crew workshops where children learn about staying safe. Please see Parent Pay for more information on this.

Please continue to practise times tables at home (Times Tables Rock Stars) and listen to your child read, discussing what they have read afterwards. These small tasks make a huge difference!

Please see the newsletter for information regarding our SATs parents’ information evening on Tuesday 17th March.

On Monday 18th May, we will be having a meeting regarding this year’s residential visit (16-19th June). More information will follow regarding this meeting.

Thank you for your support and please don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions.

Mrs Fordham