Here are all the details for what Class 3 will be doing during Spring Term 2.


Homework Type

Day Given Out

Day Due In

Writing / Science / Reading / Maths (alternate weeks)



Maths (Y4 only)





Books back for a test on Thursdays

Times Tables


Test on individual target tables on Wednesday

TTRockstars – 10 x Garage / 10 x Studio to be completed each week

Reading – 10 minutes daily with an adult.



Easter Production:

This half term will see us taking part in many singing and drama activities as we rehearse for our Easter Production. This will take place on Tuesday 24th March at 6pm in the church.

Hobbies and Interests / Reading Shelfies:

We have had some fantastic presentations so far! It’s great to share books with each other. It is also great experience for the children to stand up and deliver their presentations in front of their peers. Your help with assisting them to prepare their presentation is greatly appreciated.

Please check the timetables in your child’s homework books so that your child comes to school prepared when it is their turn.

River Workshops

On Wednesday 26th February and Wednesday 4th March there will be classroom-based workshops, followed by a visit to the River Aire on Wednesday 11th March to learn about a study to reintroduce salmon. These workshops are being led by the Aire River Trust. Due to the unpredictable Great British weather, please make sure that your child has suitable warm clothing for the visit on the 11th March (warm & waterproof coat, wellies, hats and gloves).


Mr Pearson will be teaching tone PE sessions this half term. This will be on Tuesdays. On Thursdays the children will continue their swimming lessons at Airedale Pool in Skipton. Please make sure that children have a full indoor and outdoor kit in school for Tuesday and swimming kits, including swimming caps for all children with long hair on Thursdays .It is essential that all kit and uniform is clearly named.


In the Summer Term we are going on a class trip to Murton Park where we will be visiting a Roman Village. This is on Friday 22nd May. Further information will follow.





This half term we are going to be writing the story of Mr Toad’s next adventure! We will then read these to Class 1. After that, we are going to be looking at Non Chronological Reports and writing one all about Rainforests.

We will apply our writing skills across the curriculum with additional written tasks in RE, PSHE and Science.

Spelling Punctuation and Grammar (SPAG)

The school now subscribe to Spelling shed and we will begin working on the new scheme this term. The scheme has resources- paper and online to practise the weekly spellings they will be tested on the following week.

In SPAG we will be revisiting all that we have learnt so far; conjunctions, inverted commas, a or an and paragraphs. We will focus on the new skills of using adverbs to express time, place and cause and to use sub headings when organising out work.

Using all the SPAG skills learnt is encouraged in all the children’s writing and improving and editing work to include these skills is an important feature of writing tasks.


In Class 3 reading fluency continues to be a focus alongside comprehension skills. A deepening understanding of the meaning of the text is crucial to meeting their year 3 and 4 targets. Three focused strands to our teaching are:

  • Individual Reading - we listen to individual readers regularly and in addition we have a volunteer “Carole” who will     come and listen to children each Tuesday and Wednesday PM. We also have an Everybody Read in Class session twice a week.
  • Guided Reading - this takes place weekly in small supported groups with a strong focus on a range of comprehension skills. We will look at The Kapok tree, Rainforest poetry and Non-Chronological reports again linked to the Rainforest theme.
  • Class Novels – each half term we enjoy a class novel which we read for pleasure.


In lessons with Mrs Sharples we will be finishing off our work on written subtraction before moving on to written multiplication.   

Mrs Manthorp will be continuing work on measuring. We will begin looking at measuring time and move onto money later in the term.

We will also continue to play TT Rockstars daily. It’s great to see that so many children are enjoying playing this at home too.


(History / Geography /  Art / DT)

In topic this half term we are focussing on Geography where we will be learning all about Rainforests – in particular biomes and vegetation belts.

In Art we will be looking at the work of David Hockney and using drawing and painting skills to create our own landscapes.

DT this term will link to our work in science with magnets. The children will be working in textiles to create a game that uses magnets.


In Science our theme is Forces and Magnets. This lends itself to lots of exciting practical investigations exploring magnetism, friction, air and water resistance, cogs, levers and pulleys.


In Music this term we will be learning the songs for our Easter Performance. There is a lovely range of music to listen to and learn and lyrics the children will be working on from the beginning of term.


Mr Pearson will be teaching PE on Tuesdays bring both indoor and outdoor kits as this will be dependent on the unpredictable weather at the moment. Swimming will take place on a Thursday afternoon.


Our RE question this term is- Why do Christians call the day Jesus died ‘Good Friday’?  We will be looking at the events leading up to Easter and exploring the meaning of the Easter story to Christians and how they mark the events in their Church communities.


In PSHE we are exploring relationships by listening and responding to each other, working collaboratively, and exploring how to solve disputes and conflicts. We will talk about bullying, stereotypes and respecting boundaries.


In Spanish we will be learning basic greetings and classroom commands.

So far we have learnt days of the week, numbers 1 – 10 and colours!


Computing will be taught through all subjects. This will include word processing, sequencing, internet,    e-safety, various software including digital cameras. Children will use Google Classroom at home and at school.