Governing Board update: November 2024
The autumn term Finance and Resource Committee meeting took place 19 November 2024, on-line. The meeting was chaired by Cameron Quinn, Co-opted Governor.
The bursar attended for part of the meeting.
The October 2024 budget monitoring report and revised three-year budget forecast were discussed in detail, including:
- Income from the Embsay Primary support arrangements - as previously noted this arrangement will cease at the end of the current school term;
- Staffing - funding for staff pay increases has been built into the budget - unsurprisingly, staffing is nevertheless a significant part of the overall school budget and costs have to be carefully managed;
- Funding for special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) - whilst there has been an uplift in funding since the budget was approved there nevertheless remains significant concern around the level of funding provided to school for SEND - governors will continue to closely monitor this funding stream;
- School meals, both income and catering costs - Mr Whitehead has been looking in detail at this budget with North Yorkshire, which will hopefully help ensure that the provision remains viable.
In common with all schools the budget over the next three years looks extremely tight - North Yorkshire are nevertheless confident that the school’s approach to budget management remains sound.
My thanks to the bursar and Mr Whitehead for their work on the budget.
Governors remain determined to ensure both that a high quality provision for all children at school is maintained over the coming years and that the staff team are appropriately supported and their well-being considered at all governing board meetings.
Governors next heard a fire risk assessment and premises update from Mr Whitehead - governors were reassured that the fire risk recommendations were relatively minor and that they have already been actioned.
Governors then approved a range of school policy documents, including: the Before and After School Care policy; the Managing Medicines policy; and the Health and Safety policy
My thanks to Cameron for chairing the meeting.
The next governors meeting is the autumn term full governing board meeting, 4 December 2024, in school.
I am happy to discuss the work of governors and can be contacted through: [email protected]
Governing Board meeting minutes and further information on the work of the governors can be seen on the school website at:
John Perry
Chair of Governors
November 2024