Please find below our Curriculum Letter detailing our learning for Autumn Term 1.

Dear Parent / Carer,

Welcome to Class 3! We are really looking forward to all that the year has in store! We are starting off with the topic, The Ancient Greeks which is an exciting and engaging topic with lots of hands on activities.

Below are some key bits of information which you need to know for the year.


Homework Type

Day Given Out

Day Due In

Writing / Science / Reading / Maths (alternate weeks)



Maths (Y4 only)





Books back for a test on Thursdays

Times Tables


Test on individual target tables on Friday

Reading – 10 minutes daily with an adult. Adult to write in reading record.



Pencil Cases:

Children are welcome to bring a small pencil case to school with pens, pencils etc. Stationary will also be provided in school.

Hobbies and Interests / Reading Shelfies:

As part of our speaking and listening curriculum, children will do two presentations over the course of the year. One is called Hobbies and Interests and the other is a Reading Shelfie. Please see the timetables, which are stuck in the homework books, for the date that your child has been allocated. There are more details about these presentations in the homework books.


Mr Pearson will be teaching two PE sessions a week. These will be on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Please make sure that children have a full indoor and outdoor kit in school for these days. It is essential that all kit and uniform is clearly named.


In the Summer Term we are going on a class trip to Murton Park where we will be visiting a Viking Village. This is a fantastic trip – but has a significant cost attached to it due to travel and workshop costs. The entrance to Murton Park is £18 and the coach to York is £12. We aim to fundraise over the course of the year to subsidise the cost of the visit. We did this last year and it was a huge success! More information will follow closer to the time.

Parents Session:

Last year we had a wonderful parent session where a huge amount of parents came and joined us to take part in an art activity. This year we would like to invite you in to school to join us on Wednesday 22nd January from 2pm – 3pm.

Meet the Teacher

This will take place on Tuesday 17th September at 3.45 and 4.15. We look forward to meeting lots of you then.

As always, if you wish to get in touch with us; please don’t hesitate to do so.

Mrs Sharples and Mrs Manthorp





For the first part of the half term we will be focussing on Greek Myths and Legends and writing our own version of Theseus and the Minatour.

During the second part of the term we will be writing poems based on Greek Gods.

Spelling Punctuation and Grammar (SPAG)

Children have a weekly spelling lesson which looks closely at the phonics and spelling patterns they are bringing home. Copies of the exception words we focus on will be sent home too- it is helpful if the children can refer to the list and learn a few at home during the term.

We will be learning to use direct speech in our writing, ensuring that we use inverted commas to show when someone is speaking. We will also look at using extended noun phrases to develop our writing further.


In Class 3 reading fluency continues to be a focus alongside comprehension skills. A deepening understanding of the meaning of the text is crucial to meeting their year 3 and 4 targets.

Individual Reading

We listen to individual readers regularly and in addition we have a wonderful volunteer “Carol” who will come and listen to children each Wednesday PM. We use PM Benchmark to assess children before moving colour levels (shelves) to ensure comprehension matches their fluency.

Guided Reading

This takes place weekly in small supported groups with a strong focus on a range of comprehension skills.

Class Novels

Each half term the class listen to one or two novels relevant to the theme. This half term we are looking at various Greek Myths and Legends.


In number we will be starting off the year by working on Place Value.

Objectives include:

Recognising Place Value of each digit

1000s, 100s, 10s, 1,            


1, 10, 100 more and less   

Compare and Order Numbers          


In measures we will start the term looking at Length and Perimeter

Objectives include

Y3 Measure, compare, add and subtract: lengths (m/cm/mm).

Y3 Measure the perimeter of simple 2D shapes.

Y4 Convert between different units of measure eg kilometre to metre

Y4 Measure and calculate the perimeter of a rectilinear figure (including squares) in cm and m

Y3/Y4 Find the area of rectilinear shapes by counting squares.


(History / Geography /  Art / DT)

Our topic for the Autumn Term is Ancient Greece! This is a fabulous topic with lots of opportunities for learning.

For this half term we will look at:

  • When and where the Greeks lived
  • Significant events in Ancient Greece
  • What was the Greek Empire was and how it impacted the wider world
  • The religious beliefs of the Ancient Greeks
  • How the Greeks communicated
  • Greek artefacts


In Science the children will be learning about Animals including Humans. The focus is on the digestive system- the different parts and their functions. They will also learn about a variety of food chains, identifying carnivores, herbivores and omnivores, producers, predators and prey. They will be looking at teeth too and the functions of different types of teeth.


We will be using the music scheme Charanga again and our first unit title is Let Your Spirit Fly. The scheme has lots of exciting warm-up activities and opportunities to listen to and learn new songs and to perform.


Mr Pearson will be teaching PE on Tuesdays and Thursdays. The first topic is Invasion Games.

Please ensure children have a full, named indoor and outdoor kit in school on those days.


Our work this term begins with the question- What do Christians learn from the Creation story? We will think about how wonderful our world is and explore the Christian story of creation including talking about Adam and Eve. We will use poetry and art to explore our thoughts.


Our unit is called this first half term is It’s Our World. The children will be making a class charter and thinking about the meaning of a democracy. We will move onto looking at climate change and saving energy.


Computing will be taught through all subjects. This will include word processing, sequencing, internet,    e-safety, various software including digital cameras.