Dear Parents,

I hope you have had a lovely half term break and the children are well rested and ready for the exciting build

up to Christmas!  I am so pleased with how they have settled so quickly into school life and was amazed

at their continued energy and enthusiasm at the end of last half term, we are really proud of them.

Reading Books – Reading books will continue to be changed twice a week on Mondays and Thursdays. Most children will get books with words in at some point this term, as they get more confident segmenting and blending sounds and recognising ‘tricky words’. Please take time to read the book a few times ensuring children have had

 a chance to talk about the pictures, characters and story to ensure they have a deeper understanding than just reading the words. Children should be reading and/or talking about their book for a short period most days, where possible. Please note that we will only change books if there is a comment from parents to say that your child has read.

Spellings and homework – New homework has been added to homework books for this half term. We do not send home formal spellings for Reception children but it is always useful to work on spelling the ‘tricky’ words which children will not be able to spell phonetically. These are on the sound mats we sent home, please let us know if you need a replacement.

Snacks – Children will continue to have access to school snacks and milk. Just to remind you that milk is free for all 4yr olds but you will have to pay for milk once your child turns 5. They can bring in their own fruit for snack if they would like to. A reminder that snack should just be fruit. We are a nut free school (we have a child in school with a nut allergy). Please do not allow children to bring anything into school containing nuts. All children should also have a water bottle in school each day.

Please make sure PE kits are in school every day and that all belongings are clearly named.

Nativity – Nativity – our Nativity this year will take place on 12th December in church at 2pm and 6pm. Please let us know ASAP if your child is not available for the 6pm performance so that we can allocate parts accordingly. Any help with costumes, props and/or set design is always very much appreciated! Please let me know if you would like to help.

Miss Akrigg will be coming into school over the next few weeks to spend time with the children before returning

to teach the class after the Christmas break.

Thank you for all your support.                        Mrs Moorhouse and Mrs Stoney

Curriculum letter – Class 1 Autumn 2




Literature: Reading and Writing

Continuing from last half term children will work on phase 2 phonics. Some children will move onto phase 3 phonics depending on ability. Children will be encouraged to use their phonic skills to segment words and develop their writing skills. They will also use their knowledge to blend sounds together to be able to read words. Children will continue to work hard on reading and writing ‘tricky’ and high frequency words. Please encourage your child to read daily, this can include you reading parts of the book to them, talking about the book and looking for sounds/tricky words they know in the book – every little helps! Please leave a comment in reading books so that we know your child has read at home.

Mathematics:  Number and Shape, Space and Measure

Number: Children will continue to have a focus number each week to work on. We will be working on numbers 6-10 over the next five weeks. We are aiming for all children to be recognising and writing numbers 0 – 10 by Christmas. Please work on this with children as you go about your daily routine, they love number hunting! Children should also be starting to be able to identify one more/less than these numbers and understand how to make up these numbers from other numbers (thinking about parts of numbers and whole parts). They will be working towards using and understanding vocabulary such as bigger, smaller, fewer, least, more and less in relation to numbers to 10. We will also introduce the concept of addition.

Understanding The World

The World:  In science children will learn about everyday materials including wood, plastic, metal, water and rock. Children will learn to identify and name everyday materials and will have the opportunity to explore the properties of these materials.

People and Communities: (Inc. RE) Children will be thinking about, ‘Why does Christmas matter to Christians?’

Technology: Children will have a chance to use a range of technology. This includes CD players, I-pads, laptop and cameras. As always, e-safety will be part of the children’s learning.


Topic this half term will be history based. This half term we will be learning about how seaside holidays have changed over time! We will look at photos, pictures and adverts showing seaside holidays at different times and discuss what these can tell us about those times. We will also look at similarities and differences in seaside holidays from the past compared to now.

Expressive Arts and Design

In Art and Design Children will be making props for the Nativity and their own Christmas cards for their families.

For musical development children will be learning the new songs for the Nativity and performing them to a live audience – you!

Physical Development

Children will work on fine motor skills through handwriting and other activities available in the classroom and outdoor area which encourage them to work on smaller and more intricate movements in addition to their gross motor skills. We will have a PE lesson on a Friday. PLEASE ensure that ALL UNIFORM and PE KIT is labelled to help the process of getting the children changed for PE become more efficient.

Physical, Social and Emotional Development

In PSHCE we will be learning about being friendly and wise! We will think about new friendships the children have made and how to be a good friend. During this half term it will be anti-bullying week.

We will also cover Firework safety with the children. 

                                                    Curriculum letter  Class 1 - Autumn 2

Year One



This half term, Year One children will be consolidating their learning of phase 3 and phase 4 and moving on to phase 5a. They will continue to build on their recognition of high frequency words. Children should read as much as possible at home using their phonic skills with lots of talk about what they are reading to assist their comprehension.


Children will continue to work on: repeating and writing a simple sentences; separating words with finger spaces; starting to use full stops to demarcate sentences; recognising and writing from memory capital letters, including for the pronoun “I”; using the joining word and to link words in sentences.


We will focus on number, addition and subtraction within 20, space, shape and measures this half term. We will be learning to :

Represent and use number bonds and related subtraction facts within 20

Read, write and interpret mathematical statements involving addition (+), subtraction (−) and equals (=) signs.

Add and subtract one-digit and two-digit numbers to 20, including zero. .


Children will be thinking about, ‘Why does Christmas matter to Christians?’


Class One will be carry out a unit on Gymnastics (floor work and apparatus)



Topic this half term will be history based. This half term we will be learning about how seaside holidays have changed over time! We will look at photos, pictures and adverts showing seaside holidays at different times and discuss what these can tell us about those times. We will also look at similarities and differences in seaside holidays from the past compared to now


This half term children will be learning about everyday materials. Children will learn to distinguish objects from the material that they are made from, describe the properties of materials using some scientific language, test the properties of some materials, identify and group different materials and compare different materials for their suitability for certain uses

Art and design

This half term children will design and make their own sewn Christmas decoration. We will look at different examples of Christmas decorations, researching them and coming up with a list of features that the decoration must have. We will then design and make our Christmas decoration.


In PSHCE we will be learning about being friendly and wise! We will think about new friendships the children have made and how to be a good friend. During this half term there will be anti-bullying week.

We will also cover Firework safety with the children.