
Kildwick has a rich tradition of offering an array of sporting opportunities both during the school day and after school. We take part in a full calendar of inter school sporting events throughout the year. These include: Rugby, Football, Swimming, Netball, Cricket, Mini Olympics, Golf, Rounders, Cross Country and Dance to name but a few. We believe in participating in  a variety of sports in order to provide each child with the opportunity to compete and succeed in experiencing new sports. 

We have achieved the school games mark Gold Standard. Each class takes part in two PE lessons each week. We also run four after school sporting clubs each week and two additional lunchtime sporting clubs. These clubs are rotated on a half termly basis. 

We often employ specialist providers  to deliver these, as well as school staff, members of the local community and parents- all of whom are rigorously checked in terms of health and safety, insurance and qualifications