Learning to Live, Living to Love, Loving to Learn
Behaviour Policy
Date Approved: Autumn 23 |
Next Review: Autumn 24 |
Values Statement linked to our school Vision
At Kildwick CE VC Primary School we value the individuality of all our children. We are committed to giving all our children every opportunity to achieve the highest of standards in all that they do, underpinned by our deeply Christian ethos. We do this by taking account of pupils’ varied life experiences and needs. We offer a broad and balanced curriculum and have high expectations for all children. Their achievements, attitudes and well-being matter and we offer them the opportunity to discover their gifts and talents given to them by God and experience ‘life in all its fullness’ (John 10:10). This policy helps to ensure that this school promotes the individuality of all our children, irrespective of ethnicity, attainment, age, disability, gender or background. Our PSHE curriculum ensures that children are aware of these protected characteristics and how to value differences.
We believe that it is the right of everyone within the school community to:
- Feel and be safe
- Be respected and receive fair treatment
- Be able to learn
At Kildwick School we believe that good behaviour and discipline are essential to successful teaching and learning. We feel it is important to have high expectations of behaviour from all pupils. We expect pupils and staff to behave to others as they would hope to be treated themselves. We value parents as partners in establishing good behaviour and discipline.
Ethos and Values
The school has a strong Christian ethos where the development of skills and knowledge is underpinned by love and respect for each other, and a strong connection between school, home and the local community, especially St Andrew’s Church.
The school provides high-quality teaching and challenging learning opportunities for every child, alongside exciting and extensive extra-curricular activities - enabling all children to fully enjoy school life in a caring Christian environment.
The six Christian values which underpin our ethos are:
Forgiveness, Peace, Friendship, Courage, Trust and Respect.
We encourage children to recognise these throughout daily school life.
The school vision statement is ‘Learning to live, living to love, loving to learn’.
As a Church of England School there are biblical underpinnings to this vision.
It describes our ambition not only to foster a love of learning amongst our children, but to teach them to live positive, productive lives where they love and respect their neighbours.
On moving to secondary school, we aim to ensure that all children clearly demonstrate these qualities.
Learning to live
Jesus wishes us to have ‘abundant life’ and we have a responsibility to enable our children to learn what this means for them. (John 10 v 10)
Children will:
- Have a positive mental well-being and be able to confidently play and learn with others
- Feel safe in school and know how to keep themselves safe in and out of school
- Appreciate the importance of physical activity and healthy eating for their ability to be happy, enjoy friendships and learn
Living to love
The ‘greatest commandment’ is that we love one another (Matthew 22 v34 -40) and love should underpin all that we do.
Children will:
- Love and respect each other as individuals within the wider community, maintaining positive friendships and relationships with peers and adults
- Through their behaviours demonstrate an understanding of, and respect for, difference and diversity in school and within the wider and global communities
- Through their behaviours demonstrate the values of equality and opportunity for all
Loving to learn
Jesus loved to learn from the teachers in the temple (Luke 2 v46) and his disciples loved to learn from him. We aim to follow this example and enable our children to love learning new things.
Children will:
- Demonstrate an enquiring mind, the courage to learn new things and the trust required to feel confident in discussing their learning with peers and adults
- Fulfil their potential as independent learners alongside others
- Demonstrate the knowledge and skills required to progress to the next stage of their learning
Our Aims
All staff at Kildwick CE Primary School aim to:
- Provide a safe, purposeful and happy environment which promotes positive mental wellbeing.
- Promote self-discipline, courteous behaviour and good manners.
- Encourage and develop in the children in our care a respect and concern for themselves, other people and the environment.
- Value and respect the unique contribution of each child in order to develop self-esteem and self-confidence.
- Develop a clear understanding of behaviours that are acceptable and unacceptable and a clear sense of right and wrong.
- Be consistent in our approach when dealing with behavioural issues.
- Provide a personalised approach to the specific needs of particular pupils.
- To give guidance to enable the children to develop their relationships, to think and solve problems themselves and to take responsibility and accept the consequences of their actions.
- Throughout the learning process to respect the children as individuals. By treating them with respect, we hope that they will show respect to others.
- To involve parents in a constructive way from an early stage.
- To provide a working environment in school that gives the children clearly defined limits of behaviour that are easily understood by pupils, staff, governors and parents.
Throughout school, a positive approach will be used to encourage good behaviour, built on the Christian Values we promote.
How We Encourage Good Behaviour
- Through our PSHE curriculum children are taught what good behaviour looks like and how to achieve this.
- Our school expects that all adults will set a good example through courtesy, consideration, respect and encouragement.
- We aim to promote active involvement in the many aspects of school life.
- We aim to maintain good channels of communication and provide a welcoming environment.
- The whole school curriculum supports and encourages the spiritual, moral, cultural and physical development of children.
- Children are actively involved in making decisions about their behaviour through class and school discussions. We are aiming for socially acceptable behaviour that will allow the school to function harmoniously. To facilitate this we have agreed a common set of basic school rules, which are displayed throughout the school.
- We understand the importance of educating children to self-regulate by understanding their feelings and emotions. We use the Zones of Regulation approach throughout the school to achieve this.
Kildwick School Rules
- Respect and look after our school
- Be kind, caring and peacemakers
- Be polite and helpful
- Try our best at all times (showing resilience in attitude)
- Be safe
Movement around school
We expect children to:
- walk around school.
- hold doors open for each other.
- go in and out of school quietly.
- respect the school environment.
In the hall at lunch time
We expect children to:
- use good table manners.
- line up and move around the hall quietly.
- talk quietly to their friends on their own table.
Lunchtime staff will encourage children to follow the guidelines at all times.
In the playground
We expect children to:
- play games fairly.
- share.
- take turns.
- not allow one person to be excluded from a group of children.
- look after someone who is hurt.
- play where they can be seen.
- remain within the school grounds.
- report incidents to staff.
Rewarding Good Behaviour
House Points
Our reward system is based around children gaining house points. House points are
• Allocated to the children’s designated Core Value house
• Points awarded for positive behaviour and good learning behaviour
Our school believes that children should be rewarded on an individual, class and whole school level to promote identified areas of positive behaviour and good citizenship.
Imdividuals are rewarded for demonstrating acts of positive behaviour and these are encouraged through the use of verbal feedback, gestures, special stamps, certificates, privilege time and sticker awards systems.
Class teachers, classroom support assistants and midday supervisors are encouraged to value children’s efforts regularly.
In the Friday good work Collective Worship, three certificates and awards are given to individuals in each class. The awards are linked to our school vision and are awarded for Learning to Live, Living to Love and Loving to Learn.
There will be occasions when action is needed to rectify/respond to misbehaviour. The severity of response will be dependent on the seriousness of the misbehaviour, the individual child, frequency of the misbehaviour and the circumstances involved.
To work satisfactorily, adult responses must reflect a clear distinction between minor and more serious behaviour. In all cases, it is considered important that the child is aware of the reason their behaviour is considered unacceptable and encouraged to reflect on how their behaviour affects others. They are also encouraged to determine for themselves how they can put matters right.
Responses to Minor Incidents
There are a range of responses to be used at the adult’s discretion:
- Misbehaviour ignored but attention is drawn to another child who is behaving well
- A ‘telling’ glance
- A verbal reminder
- A quiet word to one side to point out acceptable behaviour and suggestions on how to improve it
- The child seated away from other children within the classroom
- Child to correct a wrong doing (e.g. tidy up mess)
- Class reminded of expectation
- Child sent to different class for short period of time
- Work to be completed during break time with teacher supervision
- Kept in at playtime with the teacher or made to accompany adult on playtime duty
- Referral to head teacher or other member of the senior leadership team where this is considered appropriate to prevent a reoccurrence.
- Referral to pastoral and welfare worker to help the child with understanding their behaviour.
Formal Responses For Persistent Negative Behaviour Or Serious Acts Of Misbehaviour
- Headteacher informed of concerns
- Discussion with pastoral and welfare worker
- Discussion takes place between the Headteacher and child concerned
- Parents are informed of concerns by telephone or in writing if contact by telephone has not been possible
- Arrangements are made for meeting with parents
- Exclusion from school. North Yorkshire procedures and guidelines will be followed if this course of action is taken.
The following acts of misbehaviour are seen as totally unacceptable and will be dealt with accordingly:
- Violence (physical) - peers
- adults
- Violence (verbal) - peers
- adults
- Stealing
- Actions which may cause damage to others
- Constant disruption to class/teachers
- Comments against protected characteristics
- Sexual harassment (peer on peer abuse)
- Truancy
- Significant damage to pupils’/school property
- Bullying
Special Educational Needs and Duties under the Equality Act 2010
As an inclusive school we have children who come to the school with Special Educational Needs (SEN). Our approach to challenging behaviour may be differentiated to cater for the needs of individual children. We will make reasonable adjustments in order to cater for children’s individual needs
Kildwick School also recognises its legal duty under the Equality Act 2010 to prevent children with a protected characteristic being at a disadvantage.
Where necessary, agreed individual strategies will be implemented to support positive behaviour. This may include individual behaviour plans, risk assessments, and extra support which would be highlighted in a Pupil Overview of Provision (POP).
Where necessary support and advice will also be sought from the Craven Hub, educational psychologists, medical practitioners and/or others to identify or support specific needs.
Kildwick School does not tolerate bullying of any kind. A separate policy exists which details actions to be taken in the event of bullying taking place or being alleged.
Restrictive Physical Intervention
All members of staff are aware of the regulations regarding the use of restraint in school. Key members of staff have received training in relation to this. A separate policy exists in relation to this.
Managing Behaviour Outside School
Whilst we have no legal responsibility to address the behaviour of our children outside school, any issues which affect their welfare may become our concern. In such circumstances Kildwick School will endeavour to work with parents and other professionals, including the police if necessary, to address the issues to the benefit of the children and their parents. These circumstances may include:
- Disputes which begin in school and continue outside school on an evening or weekend
- Bullying
- Complaints from the local community about the behaviour of children who attend our school
The school uses an electronic system (CPOMs) to record incidents of behaviour. This allows patterns of behaviour to be identified and monitored, as well as allowing monitoring of behaviour generally by the headteacher. Governors receive a regular update on this through the headteacher’s report.