To download the consent form please open the PDF document at the end of this page
The school follows the Managing Medication and Complex Healthcare Needs of Children and Young People NYCC document when caring for and managing the medical needs of its pupils. A copy can be made available on request and is available on the school’s website through the parent’s pages.
Managing Medicines
Agreeing to administer medication
Medication should only be taken in a provision when it is essential and where not to do so would be detrimental to a child’s/young person’s health: whenever possible medication should be taken at home.
A written agreement and consent from parent (appendix 1: Request to Administer Medication) should be completed for each child and each separate medication.
Prescribed medication
The school will only accept medicines that have been prescribed by a doctor, dentist, nurse prescriber or pharmacist.
The school will not consent to administer non prescribed medication unless it is included in a health care plan.
Aspirin and Ibuprofen A child under 16 should never be given these unless they are prescribed.
Staff training
Some administration of medication will require training to be given by a registered health care professional e.g. injections, epipens, rectal medication. Records are kept of all training. Epipen training is carried out in school annually.
Receiving medication
Medication must be appropriately labelled and in the original packaging. The school will never accept medicines that have been taken out of the original container. The measuring device supplied by the pharmacist must be included. It is the responsibility of a parent to ensure medication is delivered appropriately. The container/package for prescribed medication must show the following:
- name of the patient and name of the medication
- the dosage
- frequency of dosage and strength of medication
- date prescribed and expiry date
- specific directions for the administration
- precautions relating to the medication (e.g. possible side effects/storage instructions)
- the name of the dispensing pharmacist
Request to carry and self-administer
This should be considered on an individual basis. A risk assessment must be done before allowing this which takes into account…
- Maturity of the Child/Young Person
- Implications to the Child/Young Person
- Implications to others
- Nature of the medication
Before agreeing Head Teachers/Managers may seek further advice from…
- relevant health professionals
- NYCC Insurance and Risk Management
- CYPS Health and Safety Risk Management
Form Med 3 will need to be completed. The form has a statement of consent signed by the parent agreeing:
- to give accurate information
- to give consent for their child to carry and self administer their own medication
- that the self administration will be unsupervised by staff
- to inform the provision in writing of any changes to the information given
- to not hold the provision responsible for loss, damage or injury associated with the carrying and self administration of medication
Medication will be stored securely in a clean, cool, lockable storage facility to which only named staff have access.
- Medication that needs to be immediately available (and is not carried by the child/young person) must be securely stored in an easily accessible location.
- Medication requiring refrigeration will be stored in a sealable plastic container with child’s/young person’s name on in a fridge that is only accessible to staff.
- Usually not more than one week’s supply should be received and stored.
The school will check against form Med 1 to ensure that the correct medication is given. It is good practice for a second adult to witness.
- The school will ensure staff are trained to administer it
- The school will give according to the instructions on the medication or according to the health care plan
- Ensure medication is taken in the presence of an adult when pupils are self administering.
- Refusal to take medication will be recorded in administration of medication records and parents informed as soon as possible.
- Medication will be given in a manner that offers respect and dignity for the child/young person.
Record keeping
The school will record the following:
- Written request to administer medication
- Record of administration
- Request to Carry and Self administration form where appropriate
- Staff training record
Medication must be returned by an adult to the parent or to a pharmacy for disposal and recorded on the Administration of
Medication Record (form Med 2). The exception would be for those young people who are considered by parent(s) and the school mature and responsible enough to carry and self-administer their own medication. When not practical to return medication to a parent, then medication should be returned to a pharmacy where a receipt should be obtained and attached to the Administration of Medication Record. Medication must not be disposed of in the refuse. Current waste disposal regulations make this practice illegal.