Our Kildwick Curriculum

At Kildwick CE VC primary School we value the individuality of all our children, irrespective of ethnicity, attainment, age, disability, gender or background. We are committed to giving all our children every opportunity to achieve the highest of standards in all that they do, underpinned by our deeply Christian ethos. We do this by taking account of pupils’ varied life experiences and needs. We provide our children with an exciting and creative curriculum, in which many subjects are taught through themes.  This thematic approach to teaching and learning inspires our children and engages them in their learning. We encourage children to be inquisitive learners and ask questions, offering them the opportunity to consolidate and revisit previous learning in order to deepen understanding and create life -long learners. Their achievements, attitudes and well-being matter and we offer them the opportunity to discover their gifts and talents given to them by God and experience ‘life in all its fullness’ (John 10:10).

The Kildwick History Curriculum


At Kildwick CE VC Primary, the History curriculum aims to inspire children’s curiosity to know more and remember more about the past. The Kildwick History curriculum enables children to gain knowledge and understanding of the past within our own locality, our country and the wider world. While developing key knowledge about different historical periods, children will also develop a good understanding of historical concepts and enquiry. Children will develop an understanding of chronology, continuity and change, cause and consequence, similarity and difference and the significance of of historical events and people on our locality, modern Britain and the wider world.  Children will also develop the following key skills: asking perceptive questions, thinking critically, evaluating evidence and examining arguments.


Kildwick’s History curriculum is designed with components which run throughout and are built on in each year group: chronology, continuity and change, similarity and difference, cause and consequence and significance of events in history.

Key Stage One follow a two year rolling programme to ensure children cover all required topics. Key Stage Two follow a one or three year rolling programme, depending on year group. Topics are taught in chronological order as far as is possible on a rolling programme, to develop a sense of chronology. Learning builds on prior knowledge to support children in making links within and across the periods that they study while developing a secure chronological understanding. Low stakes recall quizzes are used to revisit learning and support long term memory.


The impact of the Kildwick History curriculum will be:

  • Children will be increasingly aware of how historical events and people have shaped the world that they live in today.
  • Children will become increasingly analytical with their thinking, making informed and balanced judgements based on their knowledge of the past.
  • Children will have a better understanding of History on a local level.
  • Children will have an increased appreciation for the diversity of the world that we live in.
  • Children will have a secure understanding of the key components of the History curriculum.
  • Children will retain prior learning and make connections between prior learning and current learning.
Class 1 and 2 - First Year (Y1/2) 2021/2022
Autumn Seaside Holidays Then and Now
Spring Local Study - Skipton Castle 
Summer Rosa Parks and Emily Davison
Class 1 and 2- Second Year (Y1/2) 2022/2023
Autumn Toys - Then and Now 
Spring Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole 
Summer Great Fire of London
Class 3 and 4 - Year 3/4/5 - Year One (2021-2022)
Autumn Stone Age
Spring Stone Age to Iron Age
Summer Shang Dynasty
Class 3 & 4 - Year 3/4/5 - Year two - (2022/2023)
Autumn Ancient Greece
Spring Romans
Summer Romans and Legacy in Britain
Class 3 & 4 - Year 3/4/5 - Year three - (2023/2024)
Autumn Saxons
Spring Saxons
Summer Vikings
Class 5 (Y6)
Autumn Mayans
Spring A study that extends knowledge past 1066 - Victorians 

Local History Study, WW2