Our Music lessons are led by specialist teacher Matthew Schofield, who has received training from Jimmy Rotheram, who was nominated for World teacher of the Year in 2018.
Our EYFS and KS1 music curriculum has a strong emphasis on learning through play, with a lot of subconscious teaching. Matthew spends time developing the 3 Ps - prepare, practise, present. The children are prepared for the new concepts subconsciously through their games. Then they practise it through repeating the games each week and it is only then presented to them when the time is right - this could be weeks, months or even years later, depending on the circumstances.
The musical games draw on many influences, notably the teachings of Zoltan Kodaly, a Hungarian composer from the early 20th century, who believed that to deprive a child of music is to impoverish them. He believed that music should be a positive experience, so there is no coercion or forcing children into joining in. Every child is different and so they will take part when they're ready.
Another strong influence on Matthew’s teaching is the Swiss composer Emile Dalcroze, who developed an approach to learning and experiencing music through movement. The children are encouraged to express themselves in relation to what they hear. From the beginning they don't talk about a beat or pulse. Instead they just feel the music and move how they see fit. Terminology and an understanding of the theory behind it is only introduced when they're ready and further along their musical journey.
Music is a multi-sensory experience. It should be felt all through the body and involve so much more than just the ears!
This musical journey will be fully implemented throughout school from September 2024.
Matthew also leads a school choir and an after-school music group.
Our pupils enjoy singing and creating music with percussion instruments and technology. They engage with different styles of music and are keen to share their opinions. All of our pupils sing regularly in public performances, singing tunefully and confidently. Our pupils have taken part in various local musical events such as Skipton music festival, Ilkley music festival and young voices. Children are able to access extra curricular music clubs such as choir and bell ringing (mini ringers)
The impact of the curriculum will be reviewed at the end of the year through observations and assessments of pupils’ learning and through pupil discussions about their learning, which includes discussion of their thoughts, ideas, processing and evaluations of work.