The school will aim to:
- Promote the Christian ethos, vision and aims of the school
- Create and maintain positive relationships with all parents
- Keep parents well informed about all aspects of their child’s achievement, well-being, and development
- Provide guidance and information about ways in which parents can support their child’s learning
- Communicate appropriately with parents as per the agreed methods on the parent consent form
- Report any adverse comments about children, staff or the school posted on social network sites (such as Facebook, Twitter, etc) to the relevant authority, which may be treated as libellous
- Staff will not request friendships from parents on social media (unless this friendship exists outside of school or before the staff member joined school)
- Ensure that good hygiene is promoted in school
The parents will aim to:
- Make sure that children arrive at school on time
- Support the school’s Uniform Policy
- Support the school’s Behaviour Policy
- Support the school’s Anti-Bullying Policy
- Support their child with home learning tasks and ensure it is returned within the set time
- Attend consultation evenings with the class teacher
- Avoid holidays in term time
- Keep the school up-to-date with contact details, including mobile phone numbers and email addresses
- Be respectful and considerate towards members of the local community eg. parking considerately in the neighbourhood
- Work in partnership with the school and church to develop positive attitudes towards those from different ethnic minorities
- Foster a positive attitude towards education and the school and use discretion when discussing issues or grievances in front of children, as these may have a negative effect on their outlook
- Ensure that children only bring fruit for a snack at breaktimes and water to drink in class
- Ensure that their child follows rules and regulations of social networking sites such as Facebook, where children should not have their own page until the age of 13
- Speak to school staff about any concerns. No adverse comments about children, staff or the school should be posted on social network sites such as Facebook, Twitter, etc
- Parents will not request friendships from staff on social media (unless this friendship exists outside of school or before the staff member joined school)
The child will aim to:
- Follow the class ‘Charter’ and school rules
- Respect others’ culture, race, feelings, beliefs, and values
- Tell a member of staff if they are worried or unhappy
- Ensure that they will take home all school letters and take part in home learning activities
- Take good care of school equipment, buildings, and surroundings
- Follow adult’s guidance on good hygiene
- Do their best to keep themselves and others safe in an age appropriate way
Together we will:
Listen to and support each other in our aim to provide the best education for our children
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