Learning to Live, Living to Love, Loving to Learn
Use of Children’s Images Policy
Date Approved: Autumn 2024 |
Next Review: Autumn 2025 |
Use of Children’s Images
All staff at Kildwick School are aware of concerns about the use of images of children. The Headteacher will exercise discretion in the use of any photographs/images of children which are used for internal publication.
On entry into school, parents are asked for permission for their child’s photograph to be used in external and internal publications such as the school prospectus, on Google Classroom, in the press and on the website. A list is published and distributed amongst all staff, who are vigilant in ensuring that photographs of children whose parents have not granted permission are not used in such publications under any circumstances. Parents must also declare and adhere to the policy that any filming or photography is for family use and must not be sold or published.
School Performances and Sporting Events
Adults photographing and filming young people has been the subject of many discussions in recent times. These concerns are genuine, however at Kildwick we have taken a sensible, balanced approach, which allows parents to photograph and film providing they follow clear guidelines, which are:
Any filming is for family use and must not be sold, published on websites such as YouTube or in publications under any circumstances. Any photographs taken or films recorded of performances or events must not be published on social media such as Facebook, X, TikTok or Instagram.
The Headteacher reserves the right to stop filming at any time if he or a colleague deems it inappropriate or obtrusive. This right is delegated to any member of staff in charge of a group of pupils.
Permission must be granted in advance and filming or photography must be sensitive to the needs of all children.
Photographs or video may not be taken at swimming events.