
On Friday 18th March, we had a day of science celebration.  Children came dressed as one of the scientific enquiry superheroes we use in school:

  • Billy Bookhead who researches using secondary sources
  • Captain Peeko who spots patterns
  • Spy Magnus who observes things over time
  • Problem Pooch who solves problems using knowledge
  • Commander Classify who identifies, groups and classifies
  • Supergirl work sets up comparative and fair tests

We had a brilliant selection of superheroes so a big thank you to everyone that helped at home.  Talking about different types of scientific enquiry whilst in character really helped the children remember them.  We split into our core value house groups and therefore worked in mixed age groups.  It was great to see the children supporting each other.  First we sorted scientific questions into the enquiry types mentioned; questions such as: what will affect how far the car travels? How can we sort plants into groups?  How does my shadow change over the day?

Next, in line with the national British Science Week theme of ‘Growth’, we carried out a simple enquiry where we made and then modified paper helicopter ‘seeds’.  The aim was to try and make them fly away from the parent tree.  We had lots of discussion about different things we could change (see notes below) and results were recorded in a table. 

Finally, we came together in an assembly to present our findings and share our experiences.  I hope we were able to raise awareness and interest in science across school.  I am sure the children really enjoyed the day and the opportunity to work with children from other classes.  Well done everyone.