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Governing Board update: November 2022

The governing board resources and finance meeting took place Thursday 24 November 2022, in school. 

The meeting focused primarily around the school budget. The bursar attended. 

Governors looked in detail at the latest in-year budget monitoring information, and from this reflected on the three-year budget forecast. 

There are significant budget pressures, in particular in relation to energy and staffing costs, both in the current financial year and going forward in relation to the three-year forecast.  

Governors heard that all schools, both locally and nationally, are in a similar position. 

Governors are confident that the budget has been well managed with a focus on ensuring high quality education for all children. Governors will continue to take a cautious approach and ensure that all decisions are taken with the education of the children at the centre. 

Information from the government on anticipated funding increases for schools, signalled in the recent Autumn Statement, is expected in the lead up to Christmas - a funding increase, particularly with regard to staffing costs, would help school medium-term budget management.  

Governors will ensure that good budget management remains a priority.

Governors also looked at the Before and After School Club budget, including cost predictions and numbers attending. Governors see the Before and After School Club as a key part of the ‘Kildwick provision’ and are determined to retain the current offer, although the possibility of this moving, at least over the short to medium term, into the school building was discussed.  

The bursar was thanked for her support. 

Governors then looked at the Sports Premium and Pupil Premium Plans - both plans are a requirement of government funding streams, for sports provision and raising the attainment of ‘disadvantaged’ children respectively. 

The Pupil Premium Plan can be seen on the school website. Mr Whitehead is waiting for the new Sports Premium report frame before this process can be signed off.

Governors then heard a premises update - work is currently required on the school boiler and following water damage to two different areas of the school. 

Governors then approved the Low Level Concerns Policy and the Accessibility Plan - Mr Whitehead will put both documents on the school website.

The next governing board meeting is the autumn term Full Governing Board meeting, 6 December 2022, in school.

Further information on the work of the governing board can be seen on the school website at: 

John Perry

Chair of Governors