Vision Leaders

This half term we elected our School Vision Leaders. There are three representatives from Y6 for the three parts of our school vision—Learning to Live, Living to Love, Loving to Learn and one representative from each year group (Y1-5).  They have been busy discussing what our school priorities should be this year and not surprisingly they think we should be focussing our energy on reducing our school carbon footprint.  We decided that there are lots of easy wins to reducing our energy use and some that may take some more careful thought and planning.  We have invited a company into school to  carry out an energy survey and this will give us a clear idea of where most of our heat and energy is lost and how we can improve the efficiency of the systems we have in place in school. Power Down Pete has also visited school this half term and carried out workshops with each class and met with the Vision Leaders. One thing that crops up during every discussion is the road outside school, the amount of traffic, careless driving and parking that goes on. The school vision leaders had a meeting with Fiona Protheroe who is a Climate Emergency Officer for Craven District Council. One of the initiatives that she introduced us to was the idea of a ‘School Street’, whereby the road outside school is closed between certain times at the beginning and end of the school day. This is something I am keen to progress and will be emailing parents after Christmas to invite to a parent forum to discuss how we can put this into action.