
We started our first session on a lovely sunny afternoon looking at different colourful leaves and talking about autumn and different types of trees. We then created some lovely colourful rubbings of different leaves using wax crayons. It is always amazing to see the details that this technique reveals especially with the fine veins and serrated edges of each leaf.

We then used the individual leaves to create some fun collages and fantastic pictures of birds, fish and other creatures including a dinosaur, a horse, and a fairy. Hope you like them. They are very easy to make, just use your imagination when you look at the different shapes of leaves and see if you can make some of your own fun leaf collages. There are going to be lots of leaves dropping very soon.

Secret tip: If you press the leaves first for a few days, they will stay flat and won’t curl up and crack as they dry. This can be done in a flower press or a heavy book.        

Denisa Francis