Kildwick CE VC Primary School Logo

Governing Board update: April 2023 

The Summer Term Curriculum meeting took place Wednesday 26 April 2023, in school. 

As usual the meeting focused around the school vision: Learning to Live, Living to Love, Loving to Learn and the school strategic plan.

Minutes of the 27 March 2023 full governing board meeting were approved. These will be put on the school website. 

Mr Whitehead updated governors on the ‘catch up’ provision - the approaches in place to enable all children to make progress. 

Mr Whitehead outlined the range of provision and pre-teaching opportunities for children across the age groups and the fluid approach to timetabling based on the needs of the children. Governors were able to ask Mr Whitehead questions. 

Governors are pleased to see that the School continues to provide a range of opportunities, despite the current financial pressures, and that these: are based on evidence and best practice; are linked to assessment; and structured to ensure that all children access a broad and balanced curriculum.   

Mr Whitehead then updated Governors on the current range of after school activities on offer, which includes an opportunity for girls to take part in a girls football group. Following discussion Mr Whitehead is to survey the children to help plan future activities - Governors accept that the nature of the school site will however affect the School’s ability to provide some activities. 

Governors then heard a PSHE curriculum presentation from Miss Akrigg and were able to ask questions. Governors heard how the PSHE curriculum, which includes RSE, links to whole school safeguarding and mental health and well-being, for example the current Zones of Regulation initiative. 

The PSHE policy is currently being reviewed. Governors are pleased to see that importantly all parents/carers, and the children, will have the opportunity to feed into this review. Governors are to read the draft document and feed comments back to Miss Akrigg and Mr Whitehead. 

Miss Akrigg and Mrs Fordham were thanked for their work on the PSHE curriculum.

The next governing board meeting is the Summer Term Finance and Resources meeting - this has been rearranged for 11 May 2023 to allow the bursar to attend. 

Further information on the work of the governing board can be seen on the school website at: 

John Perry

Chair of Governors