Governing Board update - October 2023

The Autumn Term Curriculum Committee meeting took place Tuesday 10 October 2023, in school.

This was the first curriculum meeting under the revised approach to governance. Reverend Mike chaired the meeting.

The meeting focused around the school vision: Learning to Live, Living to Love, Loving to Learn and the school strategic plan.

Governors reviewed the 2022-2023 academic-year attainment data - including a discussion on ‘vulnerability’, the pupil premium and children with SEND. Mr. Whitehead was asked about the arrangements for moderation, including with other local schools, and the attainment of Kildwick children in comparison to local attainment ‘trends’.
Governors noted the clear progress of the children, reflecting the work of the staff team.

The pupil premium approach and ‘statement’ for 2023-2024 were discussed. Governors also asked Mr Whitehead about the arrangements for the monitoring of attainment across the wider curriculum - Mr Whitehead referred to the use of
‘knowledge checks’ in all classes.

Mr Whitehead also updated governors on subject leadership arrangements, including for RE, music and PE, and leadership development opportunities with other local schools, notably the White Rose science programme and for art and DT. Governors were pleased to hear that the North Yorkshire school adviser’s report on the leadership of PSHE, from the summer term, was very positive.

Miss Akrigg then updated governors on SEND - the school approach, the current range of ‘needs’ and the intervention programme. Governors were able to ask Miss Akrigg questions, and discussed the impact of SEND provision across the school and also reflected on the current budget pressures. It is noted that SEND budgets are an area of some concern across the country and present significant challenges for school leaders. Mr Whitehead referred to the changing nature of health care checks provided for children in school and the implications for vision monitoring - governors heard that a
member of the staff team is undertaking training to help school in the identification of possible vision needs.

Mr Whitehead then updated governors on the Before and After school clubs - governors were able to ask Mr Whitehead questions. Governors also asked Mr Whitehead about punctuality to school, an issue highlighted in the latest version of the school self-evaluation form - Mr Whitehead outlined the steps staff are taking to ensure that all children arrive in school on time.

Governors then discussed the summer term governor SEND and EYFS monitoring visits and agreed the approach to governor monitoring for 2023-2024.

Governors next approved the Remote Learning policy - the Inclusion and EYFS policies were deferred.

The next governing board meeting is the autumn term Finance and Resources meeting, 21 November 2023.

The next curriculum committee meeting is the 7th February 2024.

John Perry 

Chair of Governors