
Year Six had a busy Spring term which made it fly by; we can't believe we're in our final term before the children leave us for their secondary school.

To link with our Victorians topic, we visited Bradford Industrial Museum and experienced a Victorian classroom. We also looked at many Victorian inventions and also houses that were decorated to represent different periods in history. 

We took part in a live lesson, hosted by Parliament UK to celebrate International Women's Day which took us on a tour of the Houses of Parliament and introduced us to various women who work there. Year Six then read and discussed lots of statistics about gender bias and thought about how society could overcome these issues, which led to some brilliant ideas.  

Year Six have worked really hard on their writing skills over the Spring term. We have written a range of pieces, including character descriptions, film reviews and balanced arguments. 

A way in which we applied our writing skills to real life, was when the children wrote letters to our local MP, Julian Smith. After a visit from Power Down Pete at the start of Spring term, the children wrote to Mr Smith sharing their concerns about plastic pollution and caring for the environment. Year Six were very excited to receive a response from him. He praised the children's thoughts and attitudes; explained that he shared our concerns; told us about a new twenty-five year plan that the government have put in place to ensure that our planet is protected for young people to enjoy in the future; and about a new plastic tax starting this year. 

Another great activity that Eagles took part in was the cycling day. The children took part in races, obstacle courses and competitions. The day started on the playground thinking about bike safety and control before moving on to the Rec where the children were faced with speed tests and using their bikes up and down the hills. Everyone did amazingly and we have some very talented cyclists. The eight children who scored the highest in the challenges, along with two reserves, will go on to take part in a cycling event in June.

Summer term is always an exciting one in Year Six. Visits, the residential, after SATs celebrations and our end of year play - I can't wait!